Thursday 17 July 2008


Yesterday we went to London for our excursion. We drove there in a bus and then we had a tour. The topic of the tour was the great fire and the plague. The tour was interesting and our tour guide was better than the woman we had last week. He was an older man and told us a lot, so that we could do our tasks easily. Then we took a rest on the "Queen's walk" and from there we went to the ship "HMS Bellfast"

That was interesting. The weather was better than last week. In the boat it smelled a bit but there were people made of wax and that was really good. You could imagine how the people lived on the boat. Then we went back to the bus and drove back to Queenswood. We were early so we missed the heavy traffic.

Monday 14 July 2008

my weekend

Friday was the last school day in the week. We got told that we are at a level higher now. That's cool! In the evening we had an assembly. That was cool but we the senior Drama club had to present something, we played our zombi-Juliet-and-Romeo game and it was fun. The problem was I got the script on Thursday and we had to learn it in one day. I forgot my lines but in the end it was really cool. Also the junior Drama club presented something and certificates were handed out. Than I went to bed and relaxed for the next day. On Saturday we went to Cambridge! The weather was ok. Here are some pictures from the internet.

On Sunday I went to the Thorpe Park. There were a lots of people and we oftern had to stand in a queue. That was not very good , because we had paed a lot of money! I went there with some Rusian girls and so I had to speak english all the time. When I returnd to Queenswood I was very exhausted and I watched Bridget Jones with the russian girls and then I went to bed.

Thursday 10 July 2008


On Wednesday we went to London. It was raining all day long.We went first with an old lady through London. She told us some scary histories. Many of them weren't scary, but she was scary!
She was suppose to tell us ghosts but in reality, she was the only ghost in the whole of London. That was funny. After my jeans were totally wet we went to our bus and we were driven to the London Tower. Then before we visited the Tower we had sometthing to eat. That was then necessesary becauese we all were hungry. Then we had free time and I went with other people in the London tower. That wasn't good because I have already been there before. All in all it was fun but in the end I was really exhausted! That day's evening sport-activities had been cancelled because of the rain. That wasn't good. In the end it was a nice day and I was happy to go to bed.

The next evening we went to the bowling center. It was raining all day long so I had been happy to be in a room for a long time. On the other side it wasn't as fun as I had imagined. I was in a group with nice russian people. On the other side they spoke their language(Russian) and I couldn't talk with them. They tried to speak in english when they spoke with me so it was ok. When I return to home I really was exhaused.

Tuesday 8 July 2008

Finally I arrived in Queenswood and ate dinner. I met some nice people and then we had to check in. We had to wait and then i did my test, it was quite easy but i didn't concentrate and so i made many mistakes, but it was ok. Then i could go to my room, the rooms are cool and I waited for the girl who is sharing are room with me. She finally arrived at 10o'clock and we went sleep. The next day we had to wait again because some people who arrived yesterday hadn't done their tests. After a long time we had to go in our classes. I'min a cool classe with a great teacher. I understand everyting but it cool. That day we didn't do really some lessons and just get to know each other. Then we had our activites and I had choosen "drama" and the topic of our week is "zombi". In fact we tried to be zombies, that was really fun! After that we had (again) freetime. I think we have nearly too much free time!

In the evening we had our sport acivities. I had choosen "field games" but it rains all the day, so we couldn't go out. Also tennis and other gams had been cancelled. The leaders had to offer us an other option to do. There had been to many people in badminton and tennis. So we could watch a film. In german this films is: das sterben nach glueck with will smith.

That night I go early in the bed. today we had normal lessons and nothing really happend.^^

Now I m sitting in the computer lesson and write on my blog. Today we're going to go bowling or go to yhe cinema.

Monday 7 July 2008

My weeks in Queenswood start with a very turbulent flight. When I arrived the weather was bad. it was raining and we had to wait for a long time.