Tuesday 8 July 2008

Finally I arrived in Queenswood and ate dinner. I met some nice people and then we had to check in. We had to wait and then i did my test, it was quite easy but i didn't concentrate and so i made many mistakes, but it was ok. Then i could go to my room, the rooms are cool and I waited for the girl who is sharing are room with me. She finally arrived at 10o'clock and we went sleep. The next day we had to wait again because some people who arrived yesterday hadn't done their tests. After a long time we had to go in our classes. I'min a cool classe with a great teacher. I understand everyting but it cool. That day we didn't do really some lessons and just get to know each other. Then we had our activites and I had choosen "drama" and the topic of our week is "zombi". In fact we tried to be zombies, that was really fun! After that we had (again) freetime. I think we have nearly too much free time!

In the evening we had our sport acivities. I had choosen "field games" but it rains all the day, so we couldn't go out. Also tennis and other gams had been cancelled. The leaders had to offer us an other option to do. There had been to many people in badminton and tennis. So we could watch a film. In german this films is: das sterben nach glueck with will smith.

That night I go early in the bed. today we had normal lessons and nothing really happend.^^

Now I m sitting in the computer lesson and write on my blog. Today we're going to go bowling or go to yhe cinema.

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